life in general {getting the tree}

We are one of those families that still like the real tree.  Sure it is a bit messy, and sure it probably costs more in the long run…but part of the fun of the season for now is going to get the tree.  Let’s not forget that great pine smell that fills the house.  Until we find out that it is just too much of a pain, or that one of the kids is allergic, real it is.

We went to get the tree this weekend, to the same spot we have gone to for years.  Of course I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to snap some shots of the kids while we were there.


With all of those rows and rows of trees, the babies could not resist running around.  We finally agreed (meaning: I decided) on a tall, full, but skinnier tree.  I just love the way they look all decked out.  Do you have a tree preference?  Real or fake?  Tall and skinny, huge, or pleasantly plump?



Happy Thanksgiving. I hope your day is filled with lots of love, warmth, laughs, full bellies, traditions new and old, and good cheer.

I am thankful for the health, love, and support of my family and friends, for you my readers, for good food, and for relaxing holiday mornings.  I am thankful for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and the Dog Show that follows…they are quite possibly my favorite parts of the day.

I am thankful for my beautiful, spirited, creative, and thoughtful children that find it suitable to challenge me and love me every day.  And I am thankful for fast shutter speeds (sometimes not fast enough) because my children won’t let me take their picture.


I am thankful for my bread machine that I used to fix up some of these for breakfast (and I can’t wait to share).  I am thankful for the coffee that pairs with this morning treat perfectly.


I am thankful for the opportunity to share inspiration with you, everyday.

Thank you.



life in general {change of season}

Now that the snow has fallen, and has stuck around a tiny bit, and Thanksgiving is this week, and there are only three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and my brain is swimming with holidays–

I am in full holiday decor swing.  I am packing up the fall and bringing in the merry.  I am probably one of the late-comers, and I won’t get into how I really feel about too much Christmas before Thanksgiving is even over, but I am in fact jumping head first into the holidays…even before Santa and his sleigh cross Herald Square (which is my usually my shotgun start for the season).


I am excited to share some of the merry with you over the next couple of weeks!  How about you…do you wait?  Or can’t wait?


life in general {holiday photos}

Last week I had a sudden burst of motivation to get holiday cards done…early.  Last year we didn’t send out cards because we were moving into our house the day after Thanksgiving and it was just too much.  So the fact that I got a decent picture of the kids, edited it, and uploaded/ordered my cards before Thanksgiving was nothing short of a Christmas miracle.

Of course with dozens of ornaments on the floor, who would want to look at a camera or even smile at it?  Here are some of the awesome outtakes!

christmas-card-photo-session-1 christmas-card-photo-session-2 christmas-card-photo-session christmas-card-photos christmas-card-picture-session-1 christmas-card-picture-taking christmas-card-pictures

And the final choice:


It was just too funny for me to not put on a card.  It is so very representative of their personalities…Moira trying so hard to have a perfect smile and Ronan being a clown.

What kind of holiday task have you gotten a jump on? Do share!
